Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Music in the church...walls?

A father-son team, Stuart and Tommy Mitchell, claim to have discovered a musical code in some carvings in Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel. The 15th century chapel was featured in Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code," and has attracted many visitors since that time.

The Mitchells said that they discovered a series of figures which they called an "orchestra of angels" among the carvings. According to Tommy Mitchell,

"We were convinced from the position at the top of the pillars of the angels and they are all directly under the arches where the cubes occur that there was music there. We got clues from other books as well. Over the years this became more of an obsession than anything else and we decided we had to find out what was going on. If these patterns and cubes had not contained music anything we turned up would have been purely random and would not have sounded hauntily beautiful."

The music will be performed in May at a concert in the chapel.

It's still too early to accept the validity of the Mitchells' claim. But if it is ultimately verified, it will be an astonishing story. Plus, it will lead people to find out if other churches around the world also carry these types of secret music compositions or inscriptions.

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